Cliff Deal from Miamisburg, OH United States
FOR those pesky SKS stripper clips who don't wanna work in a rifle...SAVE THEM !! You have an alternative use for them..with .38 caliber REVOLVER ammo.. these work great with .38 Short colt [ 9 x 19 for you Metric types..I did the math AND looked it up.] 38 long Colt and 38 Special. 6-10 rounds comfortably and keeps loose rounds together if you do noy use moon clips. Loading gate type pistols [ Ruger, Colt conversions, et al] load via a gate, so moon clips are out, carrying 6 in a stripper saves you from fumbling witha box, and digging loose rounds out of pocket.
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NCSTAR Product
November 14, 2013
Mark from Brockway, PA United States
Not a bad clip for the money. Only 2 bad clips out of the 30 I ordered. All fit in my Chinese Sks without problem but 2 I could not get rounds to slide through without hanging up. I have not tried the clips in my Yugo yet but I assume they will work in it also.